Report of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industries from 1st May to 31st October 1867, BCCI_Report_1867A, English

Description : Proceedings of the Half-Yearly General Meeting of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industries held on Wednesday, 11th December 1867. It discusses the River Trust, compulsory registration of partnerships and deeds of trust or gift, proposed alteration of Section 52 of the Customs Act, report of the special committee appointed to enquire into the best means to remedy the existing evils attending the landing and shipping of goods, octroi duties in the Upper Provinces, adulteration of cotton, taxation, reduction of the dues levied on account of the Little Basses Rock light ship, light-houses at the Sand-heads, exemption of native gentlemen from personal attendance in courts of Civil judiacture, extension of Hindoo holidays, Indian Shipping Bill, proposed relaxation of the Port Rule of Calcutta, issued on the 17th November 1864, the Port Fund, detention of the mail steamer Golconda at Diamond Harbour, proposed restriction of steam tugs to the towing of ships according to draught, revision of the Stamp Act of 1862, proposed reform of various systems of weights and measures in British India, precedence of transmission for Reuter's commercial telegraphic messages, standard samples of cotton, khari salt, the district charitable society, resignation of Mr R Scott Moncrieff, leave of absence granted to H W L Wood, memebrs retired, funds of the Chamber, commercial returns for 1866, statement of cash balances in government treasuries in India, schedule of commission charges, tonnage schedule for the port of Calcutta, members of the Chamber, rules and regulations of the Chamber
Title : Report of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industries from 1st May to 31st October 1867
Reference Number : BCCI_Report_1867A
Digital file name(s)(.pdf) : BCCI_Report_1867A.pdf
Digital file name(s) tiff : BCCI_Report_1867A_001 to BCCI_Report_1867A_083
Digital file name(s) jpeg : BCCI_Report_1867A_001 to BCCI_Report_1867A_083
Digital folder name : BCCI_Report_1867A
Ancillary Title : nil
Volume and issue number : 1867 Report
Date(s) : 1st May to 31st October 1867
Extent (Pagination) : 1-16, 1-114, Appendix: i-xix
Volume and issue number : 1867 Report
Medium of copies : Photographed digital images [24 bit, 400 dpi, uncompressed, colour, Tiff]
Medium of original material : Paper, printed in black and white
Creator(s) - Author(s) : BCCI Committee headed by James Rome, President
Publisher : Cones & Co.'s Press
Place of Publication : No 19, Loll Bazar
Subject : Half-yearly financial report of the BCC&I, Economics, Finance, Colonial history, Calcutta under the British
Physical Condition : pages have yellowed and are worm-eaten
No of Leaves : 79 + binding pages + cover + spine
Dimensions (LxBxW)[in centimeters] With cover : 14.7 x 23.9 x 1.1
Dimensions (LxBxW)[in centimeters] Without cover : 14.7 x 22.6 x 0.9
Note on item : The report contains a few oversized pages.
Languages of material : English
Scripts of material : Roman
Contributor(s) - Owners of the original material : The Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industries
Creator(s) of digital copy : Arnab + Aki + Sujata + Amritesh
Catalogued by : Chandrima
Date(s) of the digital copy : February 11, 2014
Place where copy was made : SCTR, JU, Kolkata
Present storage location : BCC&I Kolkata
Software : Canon EOS Utility , Adobe Lightroom 5
Hardware : Canon EOS 60D
Keywords : Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Trade Records, Colonial Trade Records, Imperial Trade Records, British Trade Records in Kolkata, British Raj in Kolkata.