Report of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industries from 1st Novr 1882 to 30th April 1883, BCCI_Report_1882_1883, English

Description : The report contains the summary of financial statement; the Bill to amend the Criminal Procedure Code of 1872; necessity for the development of cheap railway communication in India; insufficient accommodation for the export trade of Calcutta; docking accommodation acquired by the port commissioners hospital dues and port charges; telegraphic communication between Saugor Island and Easter Channel Light; cruising service of pilot brigs at the Sandheads; maintenance of steam services in Indian waters by state subsidies; convention between Great Britain and the United States relating to Merchant Shipping; the Insolvent Debtors Act; proposed levy of fees for clearance of vessels after ordinary working hours; detention at Budge-Budge of vessels with cargoes of petroleum reduction of railway rates for carriage of petroleum; proposed rules for the importation, possession and transport of petroleum; bill to regulate the manufacture keeping, sale, coveyance, and importation of explosives; importation of explosives into India; proposed levy of duty on brandy or cordials in bottles containing preserved fruits; duty on perfumed spirits; the Amsterdam International Exhibition; election of Major Conway-Gordon, R.E., as Honorary Member; new members; the funds of the chamber.
Title : Report of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industries from 1st Novr 1882 to 30th April 1883
Reference Number : BCCI_Report_1882_1883
Digital file name(s)(.pdf) : BCCI_Report_1882_1883.pdf
Digital file name(s) tiff : BCCI_Report_1882_1883_001 to BCCI_Report_1882_1883_122
Digital file name(s) jpeg : BCCI_Report_1882_1883_001 to BCCI_Report_1882_1883_122
Digital folder name : BCCI_Report_1882_1883
Ancillary Title : nil
Volume and issue number : 1882-1883 report
Date(s) : For the half-year ended 30th April 1883
Extent (Pagination) : 1-8, 1-195, Appendix: i-xx
Volume and issue number : 1882-1883 report
Medium of copies : Photographed digital images [24 bit, 400 dpi, uncompressed, colour, Tiff]
Medium of original material : Paper, printed in black and white
Creator(s) - Author(s) : BCCI Committee headed by H.W.I. Wood, Secretary
Publisher : Thomas S Smith, City Press
Place of Publication : 12, Bentinck Street
Subject : Half-yearly financial report of the BCC&I, Economics, Finance, Colonial history, Calcutta under the British
Physical Condition : Overall condition is good
No of Leaves : 119 + cover + spine
Dimensions (LxBxW)[in centimeters] With cover : 24.6 x 14.4 x 1.7
Dimensions (LxBxW)[in centimeters] Without cover : 23.9 x 14 x 1.3
Note on item : Title page has a handwritten note that says 'Vol 5B'.
Languages of material : English
Scripts of material : Roman
Contributor(s) - Owners of the original material : The Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industries
Creator(s) of digital copy : Aki + Amritesh + Arnab + Sujata + Soumashree + Chandrima
Catalogued by : Soumashree
Date(s) of the digital copy : April 01, 2014
Place where copy was made : SCTR, JU, Kolkata
Present storage location : BCC&I Kolkata
Software : Canon EOS Utility , Adobe Lightroom 5
Hardware : Canon EOS 60D
Keywords : Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Trade Records, Colonial Trade Records, Imperial Trade Records, British Trade Records in Kolkata, British Raj in Kolkata.