Reeport of The Committee of The Bengal Chamber of Commerce for the year 1931 Vol I, BCCI_Report_1931_Appendices, English

Description : This item contains the following : Information regarding the Calcutta Port Trust such as Port boundaries, Port fees and Port rules, Rules for regulating cargo boats and flats, Fishing rules, Custom House requirements, Rules for protection of inland steam-vessels by collision, Rules for regulating the carriage of petroleum in native passangers ships, Rules for regulating importation of petroleum in Bengal, Control of bulk-oil vessels in the port of Calcutta, Importation and shipment of gases and liquids under pressure, Bunkering of vessels with liquid fuel, Charges on goods, imports, Marine dues, Charges on vessels, Indian coinage, 1911-12 to 1930-31, Prices of Rupee Paper, 1929 to 1931, Government of India Loans, Rupee & Sterling, Commercial Fleet of Calcutta, 1907 to 1931, Strength of the Bengal Pilot Service, 1931, information about jute cultivation and export, tea cultivation and export, sales and import of Benares Opium, railway freight, foreign trade, Coasting trade of Calcutta and Bengal, Mineral production in British India, Coal production and exports, imports of betelnuts, cloves, peppers, sugar, tea, copper, iron, lead, tin, zinc, kerosene, coal, cotton, silk, wool, paper, matches, umbrellas. Exports of cotton, jute, silk, wool, wheat, rice, linseed, rapeseed, til, sugar, tea, tobacco, coconut oil, cinchona bark, castor oil, indigo, hides, saltpetre, etc.
Title : Reeport of The Committee of The Bengal Chamber of Commerce for the year 1931 Vol I
Reference Number : BCCI_Report_1931_Appendices
Digital file name(s)(.pdf) : BCCI_Report_1931_Appendices.pdf
Digital file name(s) tiff : BCCI_Report_1931_Appendices_001 to BCCI_Report_1931_Appendices_244
Digital file name(s) jpeg : BCCI_Report_1931_Appendices_001 to BCCI_Report_1931_Appendices_244
Digital folder name : BCCI_Report_1931_Appendices
Ancillary Title : nil
Volume and issue number : 1931_Appendices
Date(s) : 1931
Extent (Pagination) : Content page : I to v; 3 pages without pagination ; pg 1 - 461
Volume and issue number : 1931_Appendices
Medium of copies : Photographed digital images [24 bit, 400 dpi, uncompressed, colour, Tiff]
Medium of original material : Paper, printed in black and white
Creator(s) - Author(s) : BCCI Committee
Publisher : The Criterion Printing Works
Place of Publication : 8, Jackson Lane, Calcutta
Subject : Yearly financial report of the BCC&I, Economics, Finance, Colonial history, Calcutta under the British
Physical Condition : Yellowing pages, presence of foxing marks.
No of Leaves : 119 + 8 binding pages + cover + spine
Dimensions (LxBxW)[in centimeters] With cover : 23.3 X 15.8 X 3.3
Dimensions (LxBxW)[in centimeters] Without cover : 22.6 X 15 X 2.4
Note on item : Images reflect condition of the original.
Languages of material : English
Scripts of material : Roman
Contributor(s) - Owners of the original material : The Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industries
Creator(s) of digital copy : Aki + Amritesh + Arnab + Sujata + Soumashree + Chandrima
Catalogued by : Shreya
Date(s) of the digital copy : 6/9/2014
Place where copy was made : SCTR, JU, Kolkata
Present storage location : BCC&I Kolkata
Software : Canon EOS Utility , Adobe Lightroom 5
Hardware : Canon EOS 60D
Keywords : Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Trade Records, Colonial Trade Records, Imperial Trade Records, British Trade Records in Kolkata, British Raj in Kolkata.