Report of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industries 1st November 1862 - 30th April, 1863, BCCI_Report_1862_1863, English

Description : The report covers the subjects of commercial telegrams, cotton cultivation in Punjab, Burmah, and the Central Provinces, the amended stamp act, consolidated customs act and postal communication between Calcutta and Kooshtea. There is suggestion that a ten percent duty be imposed on Glasgow manufactures. There are several proposed schemes for the improvement of sea trade and the Railways. A Lancashire Distress Relief Fund is created. There are statements of the Chamber's finances of 1862. There is also an address to the Honorable Sir Charles Trevelyan, K.C.B.
Title : Report of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industries 1st November 1862 - 30th April, 1863
Reference Number : BCCI_Report_1862_1863
Digital file name(s)(.pdf) : BCCI_Report_1862_1863.pdf
Digital file name(s) tiff : BCCI_Report_1862_1863_001 to BCCI_Report_1862_1863_092
Digital file name(s) jpeg : BCCI_Report_1862_1863_001 to BCCI_Report_1862_1863_092
Digital folder name : BCCI_Report_1862_1863
Ancillary Title : nil
Volume and issue number : 1862 - 1863 report
Date(s) : 1st November 1862 - 30th April 1863
Extent (Pagination) : 1 - 35, Appendices: I - cxxix
Volume and issue number : 1862 - 1863 report
Medium of copies : Photographed digital images [24 bit, 400 dpi, uncompressed, colour, Tiff]
Medium of original material : Paper, printed in black and white
Creator(s) - Author(s) : BCCI Committee headed by William Maitland, Vice-president
Publisher : Sanders, Cones, and Co.
Place of Publication : No. 23 Loll Bazar, Calcutta
Subject : Half-yearly financial report of the BCC&I, Economics, Finance, Colonial history, Calcutta under the British
Physical Condition : pages affected by foxing and silver fish, uneven pasting makes the alignment skewed
No of Leaves : 88 + 2 coloured binding pages + covers + spine
Dimensions (LxBxW)[in centimeters] With cover : 14.5 x 23.4 x 1.1
Dimensions (LxBxW)[in centimeters] Without cover : 13.4 x 22.5 x 1
Note on item : The report contains a few oversized pages.
Languages of material : English
Scripts of material : Roman
Contributor(s) - Owners of the original material : The Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industries
Creator(s) of digital copy : Arnab + Aki + Sujata + Amritesh
Catalogued by : Soumashree
Date(s) of the digital copy : February 05, 2014
Place where copy was made : SCTR, JU, Kolkata
Present storage location : BCC&I Kolkata
Software : Canon EOS Utility , Adobe Lightroom 5
Hardware : Canon EOS 60D
Keywords : Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Trade Records, Colonial Trade Records, Imperial Trade Records, British Trade Records in Kolkata, British Raj in Kolkata.